
Poetry Pieces

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

Poetry Pieces


If you look at the pieces of poetry, you will discover the tricks, tips, and techniques that good writers use.


Lets look for a few today.


While you read your poems,  look for these:



Alliteration--  Repeated beginning consonant sounds, such as "feather fingers flapping"



Action Verbs-- hike, flow, sprint, hammered, slide, etc.  Look for action (doing) words.


Onomatopoeia-- (ah no mah toe pee ah) Words that sound like the sound they make, such as Bam! Pop! Bang! slap gurgle Phzzzzt



Write the number and symbol of your book, the page number, and your piece of poetry that shows one of the above.



Book number   Book symbol      Page number         Poetry piece

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