
Lesson Plans 5 Day

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on September 12, 2009 at 1:47:48 pm

Five Day Generic Lesson Plans


Welcome!  Information



These lessons are generic, but do lead to a culmination activity in Day 5.

Each class lesson includes several activities to keep student focus.




Writing Lessons for grades 5, 6, 7, 8 are mostly the same, except for the type of prompt.

Remember that the whiteboard is for special computer pens only, not markers.  Please use the chart stand for markers/whiteboard.

Computer work is assigned; therefore, no computers on days with substitutes. 




7:45-9:00 Prep (Student breakfast 7:45-8:12; student JumpStart 8:15-9:00

9:05-10:00 Reading Grade 8

10:05-11:00 Writing Grade 8

11:05-12:00 Writing Grade 7 (lunch rotates with the homeroom teacher; see schedule)

12:53-1:47 Writing Grade 6

1:52-2:40 Writing Grade 5

2:40-2:45 Homeroom Grade 8 (Notes home/dismissal -- dismiss sports through hallway and bus/walkers through outside door)



Fire Alarm:


To the left of the outside door is the folder with directions, class list and red/green signal cards.


For help:


The teachers in this wing, starting next door, are:

Tracie Merrill next door, Math Teacher, ext 35

Head Teacher, Dean Erickson, Social Studies 36

Jama VanBrunt, Science 26

Terrie Sanger, Resource Room 19

Nancy Armstrong-Montes, Fourth Grade 30


Also see:


Office 10

John Adkins 12

Opportunity, Erika Kelly, 22



About the Lessons

  • color-coded for class; columns are days 1-5.
  • Texts are located in student desks (Write Source 2000-black; Write Source Blue paperback). 
  • Dictionaries/Thesaurus are located around the room in crates.



  • attached;
  • you’ll need copies if none are located in an expandable file folder on my desk at far left under the Reading binder.





Discipline notes and class lists

  • are also in the expandable file folder.


Thank you!


Day 1



Reading - 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

  • What did I learn? (in words and graphics)
  • How does this relate to me?
  • How does this help me understand the world?

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.

Activity 1 (10 Min): Each student defines four vocabulary words from their reading (sheet attached); Students teach each other one of their words.

Activity 2 (10 min): Each student finds 2 places of excellent writing in their book to share and explain why it demonstrates good writing.


Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on an expository writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 5

1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite for  a narrative writing prompt. (see attached). -- offer two choices.


Day 2



Reading - 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

  • What did I learn? (in words and graphics)
  • How does this relate to me?
  • How does this help me understand the world?

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.

Activity 1 (10 Min): Each student defines four vocabulary words from their reading (sheet attached); Students teach each other one of their words.

Activity 2 (10 min): Each student finds 2 places of excellent writing in their book to share and explain why it demonstrates good writing.


Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on an expository writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.

Writing 5


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite for  a narrative writing prompt. (see attached). -- offer two choices.

Day 3



Reading - 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

  • What did I learn? (in words and graphics)
  • How does this relate to me?
  • How does this help me understand the world?

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.

Activity 1 (10 Min): Each student defines four vocabulary words from their reading (sheet attached); Students teach each other one of their words.

Activity 2 (10 min): Each student finds 2 places of excellent writing in their book to share and explain why it demonstrates good writing.


Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on an expository writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.

Writing 5


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite for  a narrative writing prompt. (see attached). -- offer two choices.

Day 4



Reading - 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

  • What did I learn? (in words and graphics)
  • How does this relate to me?
  • How does this help me understand the world?

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.

Activity 1 (10 Min): Each student defines four vocabulary words from their reading (sheet attached); Students teach each other one of their words.

Activity 2 (10 min): Each student finds 2 places of excellent writing in their book to share and explain why it demonstrates good writing.


Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on an expository writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.

Writing 5


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite for  a narrative writing prompt. (see attached). -- offer two choices.

Day 5



Reading - 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

  • What did I learn? (in words and graphics)
  • How does this relate to me?
  • How does this help me understand the world?

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.

Activity 1 (10 Min): Each student defines four vocabulary words from their reading (sheet attached); Students teach each other one of their words.

Activity 2 (10 min): Each student finds 2 places of excellent writing in their book to share and explain why it demonstrates good writing.


Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite on an expository writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.

Writing 5


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.

2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.

3. Ask students to prewrite for  a narrative writing prompt. (see attached). -- offer two choices.


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