Lesson Plans 5 Day

Five Day Generic Lesson Plans


Welcome!  Information



These lessons are generic, but do lead to a culmination activity in Day 5.

Each class lesson includes several activities to keep student focus.




Reading Lessons are the same for grades 6, 7, 8.

Writing Lessons for grades 6, 7, 8 are mostly the same, except for the type of prompt.

Remember that the whiteboard is for special computer pens only, not markers.  Please use the chart stand for markers/whiteboard.

Computer work is assigned; therefore, no computers on days with substitutes. 




7:45-9:00 Prep (Student breakfast 7:45-8:12; student JumpStart 8:15-9:00

9:05-9:45 Reading Grade 8

9:45-10:40 Writing Grade 8

10:40-11:25 Reading Grade 7 (Break at 10:50 am for 5 minutes; lunch rotates with the homeroom teacher-- 11:55 or 12:00)

11:25-lunch;12:40-1:05 Grade 7 Writing

1:05-1:40 Reading Grade 6

1:40-2:40 Writing Grade 6

2:40-2:45 Homeroom Grade 8 (Notes home/dismissal -- dismiss sports through hallway and bus/walkers through outside door)



Fire Alarm:


To the left of the outside door is the folder with directions, class list and red/green signal cards.


For help:


The teachers in this wing, starting next door, are:

Will Johnson next door, Math/Science Teacher

Head Teacher, Dean Erickson, Social Studies

Terrie Sanger, Resource Room ext 139

Kaitlyn Reidt, Fifth Grade Teacher

Nancy Armstrong-Montes, Fourth Grade 


Also see:



John Adkins 

Opportunity, Kim Iverson, EXT 133



About the Lessons







Discipline notes and class lists


Thank you!


Day 1



Reading -Grades 6, 7, 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.


Activity 1 (10 Min): Each student defines four vocabulary words from their reading (sheet attached  vocabumott.pdf and image here); Students teach each other one of their words.


Activity 2 (10 min): Each student finds 2 places of excellent writing in their book to share and explain why it demonstrates good writing.


Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on a persuasive writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.


Writing 6

 1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review compound sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Compound Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

A compound sentence combines two sentences into one using a comma and a conjunction, such as and, or, but.  Ask students to write two compound sentences, checking each other’s work.


3. Ask students to prewrite on an expository writing prompt. (see attached).  -- offer two choices.



Day 2



Reading - Grades 6, 7, 8


Independent Reading (30 Minutes Reading and 5 min. writing on the questions.)

Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.


++ Activity: 15 minutes-Box Reflection

Students fold writing paper into six boxes --and write/draw:


Box 1: Setting: time/place of their text (fiction or nonfiction)


Box 2: Who or What? --Main characters involved (f or n/f)


Box 3: Main idea in one picture.


Box 4: Main idea in one sentence


Box 5: Picture or sentence -- a connection of the text to the student


Box 6: picture or sentence -- why the information or story is important in the world


Activity 5 minutes: Students leave  Box Writing on desks and quietly walk around room to read only (not comment) on others writing.


Save in folder for later in the week.


Writing- 8


1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review complex sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Complex Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

Combine shorter sentences into longer sentences. A complex sentence combines two clauses. When you write a complex sentence, the most important ideas should be the main, independent clause.  Students should write and check two complex sentences with a partner.

3. Continue prompt writing -- organize prewriting and begin drafting.  Allow time for partner share.


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review complex sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)


Complex Sentences


Write Source 2000, page 96


Combine shorter sentences into longer sentences. A complex sentence combines two clauses. When you write a complex sentence, the most important ideas should be the main, independent clause.  Students should write and check two complex sentences with a partner.

3. Continue prompt writing -- organize prewriting and begin drafting.  Allow time for partner share.


Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.



2. Review complex sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)

Complex Sentences

Write Source 2000, page 96

Combine shorter sentences into longer sentences. A complex sentence combines two clauses. When you write a complex sentence, the most important ideas should be the main, independent clause.  Students should write and check two complex sentences with a partner.

3. Continue prompt writing -- organize prewriting and begin drafting.  Allow time for partner share.




Day 3



Reading - 6, 7, 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.


++ Activity 1: (10 min) Partners--Write Source 2000 (in desks) and dictionaries;    WS - p. 329-339 Partners choose 3 words from the vocab pages. For each word: 1) write the word and its “word part” and meaning (epidermis: epi = upon; upon the skin) 2) find two other words with the same part and repeat (epicenter = upon the middle of the earthquake; epitaph=written above the grave) -- Share and write words from another set of partners.


++ Activity 2: (10 min) SketchTrio

Divide your paper into thirds; based on what you have read in your book, sketch pictures of: a) the main person or thing; b) the main problem; c) the effect (or possible  effect); Do quiet walk-share; Save in folder



Writing- 8

1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right)-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review complex sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)Adding detail with prepositional phrases--Write Source 2000, Prepositions, 455.3---READ: Prepositional Phrases 455.1, 2

A prepositional phrase includes a preposition (such as on , above, until) and the object it explains (position, direction, relationships).

Using two of your sentences from your prompt writing, expand the details with prepositional phrases.



3. Continue drafting, taking time to check for fluency -- complex and compound sentences for variety in essay


Writing - 7


1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review complex sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)Adding detail with prepositional phrases--Write Source 2000, Prepositions, 455.3---READ: Prepositional Phrases 455.1, 2

A prepositional phrase includes a preposition (such as on , above, until) and the object it explains (position, direction, relationships).

Using two of your sentences from your prompt writing, expand the details with prepositional phrases.



3. Continue drafting, taking time to check for fluency -- complex and compound sentences for variety in essay



Writing 6


1. Power Write (directions attached to plan at in link at right or here))-- about 10 minutes to Power Write and 5 minutes to edit, and order.


2. Review complex sentences (see power writing sheet--right side)Adding detail with prepositional phrases--Write Source 2000, Prepositions, 455.3---READ: Prepositional Phrases 455.1, 2

A prepositional phrase includes a preposition (such as on , above, until) and the object it explains (position, direction, relationships).

Using two of your sentences from your prompt writing, expand the details with prepositional phrases.



3. Continue drafting, taking time to check for fluency -- complex and compound sentences for variety in essay




Day 4



Reading - 6, 7, 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.



++ Activity:


Create a broster (directions attached and here) to summarize and illustrate your understanding of the theme:

Use the information, vocabulary, and sketches you have gathered from days 1, 2, and 3.


This should be finished for tomorrow, ready to share as a proofread and edited product.



Writing- 8


1. Partner Revising 15 minutes: Find a partner. Choose one of your power writing prompts. With your partner, find two places to combine sentences (compound or complex) or add prepositional phrasess. Repeat with your partners work. Save in student folder.  2. Verbs 10 min.(Read Blue Write Source 416): Find three words from either power writing or your essay that are verbs. Write forms of the words in these sentences:

Let us ______.

Yesterday, I _______.


Example for think:

Let us think.

Yesterday I thought.


Find synonyms for each word; thought -- consider


3. Read over your prompt writing; revise for strong verbs; continue writing and revising.


Writing - 7


1. Partner Revising 15 minutes: Find a partner. Choose one of your power writing prompts. With your partner, find two places to combine sentences (compound or complex) or add prepositional phrasess. Repeat with your partners work. Save in student folder.  2. Verbs 10 min.(Read Blue Write Source 416): Find three words from either power writing or your essay that are verbs. Write forms of the words in these sentences:

Let us ______.

Yesterday, I _______.


Example for think:

Let us think.

Yesterday I thought.


Find synonyms for each word; thought -- consider


3. Read over your prompt writing; revise for strong verbs; continue writing and revising.


Writing 6


1. Partner Revising 15 minutes: Find a partner. Choose one of your power writing prompts. With your partner, find two places to combine sentences (compound or complex) or add prepositional phrasess. Repeat with your partners work. Save in student folder.  2. Verbs 10 min.(Read Blue Write Source 416): Find three words from either power writing or your essay that are verbs. Write forms of the words in these sentences:

Let us ______.

Yesterday, I _______.


Example for think:

Let us think.

Yesterday I thought.


Find synonyms for each word; thought -- consider


3. Read over your prompt writing; revise for strong verbs; continue writing and revising.




Day 5



Reading - 6, 7, 8

Independent Reading 30 min.:  Students read own texts. If students have no text, allow them three minutes to choose a book from the shelves.  Questions: While reading students think about: 

Response (5 min): Students write for 5 minutes to answer the questions.



++ Activity 1 (5 min): Walk-Share-- place your brosters from Day 4 on your desk.  Without talking, walk around and read each other’s work.

++ Activity 2 (3 min): Form teams of no more than four. In your teams, again place your brosters on desks. In another Walk-Share, read the work and write in your notebook a question about the topic for each broster in your group.

++ Activity 3: Oldest person in each team shares first -- explain the ideas, adding information. Each person asks their question. Take notes. Repeat.




Writing- 8


1. Power Draw  or Power write (5 min): Take out your power writing and essay prompts. Take five minutes to draw as many details as you can in an as many sketches as you need to capture your writing ideas this week. Or write for five minutes on your own topic.


2. Partner Walk (3 min) Place your writing or drawing on your desks. Partners take a piece of paper and pencil with them. As you walk, you and your partner write VERBS and PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES from the drawing or writing you see. No other comments needed. Write names on the paper and turn in.

3. Write your final draft: Find and number before turning in:

__ 1. strong verbs

__2. complex sentences

__3. compound sentences

__ 4. prepositional phrases


Writing - 7


1. Power Draw  or Power write (5 min): Take out your power writing and essay prompts. Take five minutes to draw as many details as you can in an as many sketches as you need to capture your writing ideas this week. Or write for five minutes on your own topic.


2. Partner Walk (3 min) Place your writing or drawing on your desks. Partners take a piece of paper and pencil with them. As you walk, you and your partner write VERBS and PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES from the drawing or writing you see. No other comments needed. Write names on the paper and turn in.

3. Write your final draft: Find and number before turning in:

__ 1. strong verbs

__2. complex sentences

__3. compound sentences

__ 4. prepositional phrases



Writing 6


1. Power Draw  or Power write (5 min): Take out your power writing and essay prompts. Take five minutes to draw as many details as you can in an as many sketches as you need to capture your writing ideas this week. Or write for five minutes on your own topic.


2. Partner Walk (3 min) Place your writing or drawing on your desks. Partners take a piece of paper and pencil with them. As you walk, you and your partner write VERBS and PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES from the drawing or writing you see. No other comments needed. Write names on the paper and turn in.

3. Write your final draft: Find and number before turning in:

__ 1. strong verbs

__2. complex sentences

__3. compound sentences

__ 4. prepositional phrases