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Learn About Web Two Point O

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 15 years, 6 months ago

Web 2.0 -- What?



What is this web2.0?

What is meant by "interactive" and "connected"?

How can people collaborate on a web page?


Do you belong to the One Heart for The People Ning?  Then you have joined the connected generation. 


If you still need some answers and information, find your answer here: you are in charge -- learn from and with others -- and that's the point!




Education Networks







Common Craft: Simple Explanations

Quick videos explain things like wikis and twitter



RMIT University Library - 21 lunges




"What is Web 2.0?


The phrase "Web 2.0" refers to a new generation of web technologies that enable and encourage users to collaborate and interact online. Rather than receiving one way information from the web (e.g. reading content on a website), Web 2.0 enables users to interact with the web through editing, commenting on and uploading content. This is a very narrow definition, and you will most likely come across other definitions as you go through this program. You've probably heard of blogs, wikis, podcasts and RSS feeds, or websites like YouTube, MySpace, Facebook and Wikipedia? These are just a few examples of Web 2.0"


A Learning Library 2.0




For teachers (anytime) http://classroomlearning2.blogspot.com/


An online learning forum from which to learn Web 2.0


Flat Classrooms




"Fostering new ways of learning using Web 2.0 and global collaborative 'flat classroom' ideals and practices"


An education network that explains and connects the novice and the expert in the Web 2.0 journey.


 Getting Started: http://flatclassrooms.ning.com/forum/topic/show?id=2090574%3ATopic%3A2774




Teachers First




Explains with projects and lessons that are 2.0 and reviews the tools used by Web 2-ers, including directions, problems, solutions, tips, and classroom applications.

Membership required: it's free.

Open Source: Collaboration




 The License



Database of Projects




Links to classrooms around the world working on Web2.0 projects.




Wee Web Wonders



Tools kids use.  Kid Safe Zone.


Wee Web Wonders PBwiki






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