

Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 6 months, 4 weeks ago



Ms. Edwards








Reflect curiosity and wonder...

Go boldly and scatter seeds of sunshine...


Sheri Edwards


Developing Portfolio



About Me


I believe all students can learn, in their own time and in their own way.  Students are smart in spots, and I try to find those spots.  Successful people focus on their strengths.  My goal is to guide students in using their strengths, and to help them improve weak areas, which may become new strengths. 


I love integrating the language arts into the content areas, so many of my writing assignments involve science and social studies.


"I believe each individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases so long as it in no wise interferes with any other man's rights." ~Abraham Lincoln.  I try to work with each student's unique talents, and I also manage them in one learning environment so we all succeed, teacher and students. 


How do I achieve the Nespelem School Mission Statement?  Click here.  More information.


I couldn't imagine a better place to work and teach and live than with the energetic students and the supportive families in Nespelem and Coulee Dam.


As a retired teacher, I continue my learning; for information, view my Developing Portfolio and my Art Blog.


Contact Me for information:  teacher dot se at gmail dot com


Look back to look ahead; Read the poster "About Our Work" [requires flash, unfortunately]

to learn what and how we have learned, and what and how we will continue to learn.


Quick Links:      About Ms Edwards   Why Wiki?   NSD    LA Goals Site   Past Sites:  What Else Site   Writing 5-8 



Please use sidebar at right for quick links to frequently used resources.



PicLit from PicLits.com
See the full PicLit at PicLits.com



Pic Lit How To


PicLit has been updated: see the new site here: PicLits




About this page


Welcome to Ms. Edwards's home page.


The sidebar (at right) links to lesson plans, frequently used pages, class sites (wikis and blogs), and other resource pages.  The resources the students need currently, however, will be listed at LA Goals Site .


Families, please see the next section for information about why we work with wikis and why we teach and learn with what "Web 2.0 tools." 


For Families


Welcome to Writing Class!


We've embarked on a journey with 21st Century tools towards our future. By planning, drafting, sharing, reviewing, revising, and publishing our work together, in pictures and words, we venture into practices that prepare us not just for school work, but for the real work of active writing, learning, and collaborating online.


This type of writing demands that we commit ourselves to the ideas, consider the ideas and feelings of others, and converse in positive ways to expand our own ideas as we help others understand ours. Thinking critically and creatively, we will endeavor to improve our 21st century communication skills through practice, feedback, and collaboration. 


We have much to share and much learn.  Please watch us grow. Check out our assignment page Writing 5-8 and our work site at What Else Site, comment on our work, and encourage our efforts.


Why wiki?  Click here for an explanation. Please read the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for information on your child's responsibilities and safety.  Please report any concerns you may have. The site is password protected so only approved users can participate.  Student names are coded.  Please email me if you would like to be a Reader or Writer on our wiki. Please review the "A Note To Students" section below, which explains the pages, policies, and procedures your students will learn to understand and apply.  We welcome and invite your support and input!   


Note: Please read over with your student(s) this Acceptable Use Policy, the Etiquette Expections, and Overall Expectations.  Students will sign and return their AUP page and then add a √ to the I Agree page, indicating they have read and agree to the policies and procedures of Internet useage. Over the past three years, students in writing class have been excellent and postive participants, so emphasizing and practicing has benefitted us all.


Again, for information of Wiki's: Read Me  and Learning With Wikis  What Else?  Our Main Wiki Work Site


For Web 2.0


Want to know more about Web 2.0 and the world our students are already living in?  Click the following links to learn about how education is changing, how online tools enhance teaching and learning, and how to grow your own PLN (Personal Learning Network). 


Learn About Web Two Point O


Web 20

Personal Learning Network (PLN)


For Students


Remember to always check in to  Writing 5-8 for current and past assignments as well as resources. What is expected of you?  Please do read Writing Workshop Expectations.


And, remember, what else could we:

  • write about

  • explain

  • describe

  • delete

  • brainstorm

  • research

  • revise


Writing is never done; each word chosen provides the reader with an exact or engaging image -- and that requires patience in finding just the right words.  I rewrote that sentence four times already! A first draft finds our thoughts and stirs our imagination, but it's often not clear, detailed, or organized.  A writer looks at each section, and asks, "What else?"  So our LA Goals Site is dedicated to the wonderful words we will write this year, as we ask each other, What else?



Back to TOP






I designed these sites as a resource for myself, my students and their families as well as for other students or teachers. Our class educational network provides us the opportunity to practice and plan for entering the online world as 21st Century citizens. The information here has been created by myself, other educators, and others, with credit provided as needed. Since there are some general guidelines (see above) for being able to add to student sites, we know that following the guidelines will enhance our learning process. Remember to contact any technology specialist to help you with any problems or concerns regarding your computer as I have no control over settings or other changes if you download to your computer.



Additional Information: If any inappropriate content is found on this site, it will be removed. Please notify me of any such content.  Users not following the guidelines will lose participation privileges.  Ms. Edwards  





Live to make the world less difficult for each other.

~ George Eliot ~





  1. Welcome image from: http://www.animationfactory.com/en/

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