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Saved by Ms. Edwards
on August 29, 2008 at 10:00:47 am

Contract in Brief



"Either write things worth reading or do things worth the writing." Benjamin Franklin



"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." Anton Chekhov


"If a teacher told me to revise, I thought that meant my writing was a broken-down car that needed to go to the repair shop. I felt insulted. I didn't realize the teacher was saying, 'Make it shine. It's worth it.' Now I see revision as a beautiful word of hope. It's a new vision of something. It means you don't have to be perfect the first time. What a relief!"  Naomi Shihab Nye


Course Summary and Expectations




Welcome to Writers at Work Online Work Areas.



This contract summarizes the AUP and Wiki/Online Etiquette expectations and denotes that you have 1) read these documents in class, and 2) shared them with your family. You will obtain and return the signatures of your guardian for all required permission slips for your online participation.




  • These places are for you and your team to type your work for our class.
  • Here we will practice the Writing Process and the Six Traits of Writing, which are the essence of state requirements.
  • Save everything. Date everything (prewriting, drafts, revisions, final publication).
  • Use your student code, not your name. Never use personally identifying information for anyone.
  • Show your prewriting, drafts, and revisions by not erasing or deleting pages or work.
  • Type your current work at the top of your page. (Use copy and paste).  This shows your revision and learning.
  • Share your work with your family.
  • Write to express your mind movie, the "glint of light on broken glass.”
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

Remember the work process – here’s a summary:


o Work only on assigned tasks using public language (language that is kind, respectful, safe, productive).

o Work only on your pages.

o Work only on your team pages with your team, as your team decides according to the assignment/project.

o Keep all pages and work; do not erase or delete work or files --- show revisions!

o Save everything.

o Date everything (prewriting, drafts, revisions, final publication).

o Use your student number, not your name. Or use the name code your teacher has given you. Never use personally identifying information for any one.

o Cooperation with each other and with the rules results in further access and retention of our online class pages and your online pages.

o Violations result in immediate loss of the privilege to work on our online class pages and the loss of your online pages.

o Please notify the teacher of any links and any work that is not kind, respectful, safe, and productive. ms_edwards@mac.com


Your signature indicates that you:


  • Know the course summary and expectations.
  • Remember and apply the 5Bs as you work on these pages so you keep your privileges and your pages:
    • Be here. Be kind. Be respectful. Be safe. Be productive.
  • Understand the work process summary.



Student signature:                        Guardian Signature:

Date:                                Date:




Remember the 5Bs as your work on these pages. Do these 5Bs so you keep your privileges and your pages:

Be here.


Be kind.


Be respectful.


Be safe.


Be productive.


Agree to Acceptable Use Policy.

Learn Wiki Etiquette For Students.

Complete Etiquette Assignment. (Must be logged in as member)

Sign and turn in your contract.


Please notify the teacher of any links and any work that is not kind, respectful, safe, and productive.





Please sign your agreement to these terms by downloading this document wikiagreement0809.pdf, signing, and returning to the teacher.


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