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Page history last edited by Ms. Edwards 15 years, 1 month ago



Welcome: Open House Barbecue






Welcome Back !







What's new?


A few new people:


John Adkins, Superintendent



Bethany Williams, Kindergarten



Tracie Merrill, 5-8 Math



Erika Kelly, Opportunity Room




What's Up?





Homeroom teacher will be calling home for the important positive events and for the possible concerns relevant to your child. Bus infractions will be handled by Randy, Head of Transportation.




Reading Everywhere



See you Monday, August 31st, at school for the barbeque at 5:00 p.m. !



Student Handbook and School Policies

Homeroom teachers will spend a week with students reading and discussing the Student Citizenship Handbook.  They will then share with you.  Please return the signed back page.  There have been changes which the students will explain to you.  Thank you.



 Focus: Ignore Interruptions !




And, what about Writing Class?



A quick introduction to our goals and expectations:










 Middle School Survey 



What is a 'wiki'?


This site is my Home Page for 5-8 Writing and 8 Reading.  This page directs students to their online resources.

The sidebar (at right) links to lesson plans and other resource pages.  The resources the students need currently,

however, are listed in the section below.


But you are probalbly wondering, "What is a wiki?"  The following pages will help you.  Read Me includes a short video.



Read Me  Learning With Wikis   Wiki/Online Etiquette For Students      Acceptable Use Policy       Contract


Want to know more about Web 2.0 and the world your students are already living in?  Click here: Learn About Web Two Point O





to a great new year at school ![1]



 What is Ms Edwards's Home Page?



It is the Home Page for 5-8 Writing and 8 Reading.  This page directs students to their online resources.

The sidebar (at right) links to lesson plans and other resource pages.  The resources the students need currently,

however, are listed below.


Please visit our new wiki: What Else?

What else could we:

  • write about
  • explain
  • describe
  • delete
  • brainstorm
  • research
  • revise


Writing is never done; there's always another word that would be more exact or engaging.  I rewrote that sentence twice already! A first draft finds our thoughts and stirs our imagination, but it's often not clear, detailed, or organized.  A writer looks at each section, and asks, "What else?"  So our new site is dedicated to the wonderful words we will write this year, as we ask each other, What else?






Live to make the world less difficult for each other.

~ George Eliot





Contact Me:  ms_edwards@mac.com







Image hosted @ bighugelabs.com



  1. Welcome image from: http://www.animationfactory.com/en/

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