Ms. Sheri Edwards
Twitter: grammasheri

How do I achieve the Nespelem School Mission Statement? Click here. Contact me.
Also see: Ms Edwards
About Me
I believe all students can learn, in their own time and in their own way. Students are smart in spots, and I try to find those spots. Successful people use their strengths, and they don't waste time on their weaknesses. My goal is to guide students in using their strengths, and to help them improve weak areas, which may become new strengths.
I love integrating the language arts into the content areas, so many of my writing assignments involve science and social studies.
"I believe each individual is naturally entitled to do as he pleases so long as it in no wise interferes with any other man's rights." ~Abraham Lincoln. I try to work with each student's unique talents, and I also manage them in one learning environment so we all succeed, teacher and students.
My parents are Charles Jefferson Edwards and Ruth Emma McIntosh; I am English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, Swedish, and Norwegian. My people were independent-minded in order to survive in Scotland and in North Dakota. My grandfather, William Washington Edwards, helped discover and document the nitrogen-fixing nature of alfalfa in the early years of North Dakota history.
Today, my husband Scott and I enjoy the ten grandchildren that bounce around us whenever our four children visit with their families, or when the grandkids visit for the summer.
I couldn't imagine a better place to work and teach and live than with the energetic students and the supportive families in Nespelem and Coulee Dam.
Education and Training
2009 Mentor
Discovery Education Network STAR Educator 2008-2009 DEN Discovery Educator
- Diigo Groups 2008
- Current: (since 1999) Ongoing Technology Training in Web Design, Office, Web 2.0 Interactive Learning, Moodle
- 2002-2006 NO LIMIT! New Outcomes: Learning Improvement in Mathematics Integrating Technology
- Students use problem-based learning to improve their achievement of math skills.
- 2001 Gonzago Indian Education Outreach Program (GIEOP) Science Institute
- 1999-2002+ Technology Integration, Teacher Leadership Project, Bill and Milinda Gates Foundation
- 1994 Multiple Intelligence Workshops
- 1993 Excellence in Indian Education Symposium
- 1992 Masters of Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Integrated Language Arts Emphasis, Eastern Washington University
- 1986 Excellence in Indian Education Symposium
- 1988-1995 TAG Training: Talented and Gifted Instruction
- 1985 Teaching Certificate: K-12 Reading; 4-12 Math; K-8 Elementary Endorsements
- 1985 Bachelor of Arts Degree, Magna Cum Laude, Major: Reading; Minor: Math; Eastern Washington University
Current Position
Reading Grade 8
Writing Grades 5-8
Previous Positions
Grade 8 Self-contained classroom
Grade 7-8 Combination classroom
Grade 6 Self-contained classroom
Grade 5-6 Combination classroom
Grade 1 Self-contained classroom
STAR Club: Students That Are Rare Gifted and Talented Program (10 years)
Service Learning with Elders
Current Projects
Technology Coordinator
Eracism Flat Classroom Project, Judge Coordinator
Years at Nespelem School
I am privileged and honored to have taught at Nespelem School since 1985 (25 years).
Favorite Books
My bookmarks Wordle

Student Interactive Projects
- Eracism Flat Classroom Project Debate Team 6
- Gonzaga Indian Education Outreach Program -- Mentorship
- Genesis Sun Project
- LIve from Hubble
- Live from the Stratosphere
- Live from the Sun
- Live from Mars
- Into the Abyss
- Signatures in Space: Our School's student signatures soared in space with a Native American astronaut!
- Technology Integration
- That Star Club Talented and Gifted Program
- Odyssey of the Mind (Second Place)
- Peer Reading Tutors
- Giraffe Project
Staff Development Leader
- 2000-2004 NO LIMIT ! Math Team
- 1999 Project Real: Realizing the Essential Academic Learnings
- University of Washington; North Central Educational Service District
- Math/Writing
- 1997 Multiple Intelligence Instructor
- 1996-2000 Assessment Team
- 1994-2000 Curriculum Alignment to Standards
- 1994 Service Learning Presenter
- "Basic Service Learning From a Native American Perspective" Pacific Northwest Service-Learning Conference; Portland, OR
- "Service Learning" Chelan School District
- 1993 Task Force for Grades 7-8
- 1991 Washington Indian Education Association Conference presenter (Omak, WA)
- 1991 Celebration of Learning Collaborative Staff Program
- 1988-1998 Talented and Gifted Student (TAG) Instructor
- Student Handbook
- Discipline
- Project Real
- Culture/JOM/Title 1 Parent Committee
- Title V Parent Committee in 1987-1989 developed
- CARE: Children Afterschool Reinforcing Education
- Culture Curriculum
- Native Language Program
- Cooperative/Collaborative Planning Committees (Grand Coulee Dam School District)-1991
- #9 Encouraged positive communication/policy changes by providing Nespelem parent concerns and suggesting teaching strategies
- #2 Developed school reform plans favorable to Native American students
- Curriculum Integration; Middle School Curriculum Integration
Wiki Instructor (2007)
NSD Web Pages (pre-2005)
Student Mac Computer Projects After School (pre-2005)
Professional Organizations
ASCD: Association for Supervision of Curriculum Development
NCTE: National Council of Teachers of English
Choice Literacy: Literacy Coaching
IRA: International Reading Association
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
NCTM: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Federman, Alan N. and Sheri Edwards. Interactive, Collaborative Science Viea the 'Net: Live from the Hubble Space Telescope. THE Journal (Technological Horizons In Education) Vol. 24(1997).
Edwards, Sheri. "Native American Students and Service Learning." Curriculum in Context (WSASCD) 21(1993): 4-6.
Project Citations
Wade, R., Editor. "Chapter 10: Middle School Programs by Felicia George, Nespelem School, Washington." Community Service Learning: A Guide to Including Service in the Public School Curriculum: State University of New York Press, 1997: 172-173.
Friesem, J. "Intergenerational Service Learning Unit: How Can We Help Our Elders?--Nespelem School." The Clearinghouse database, New York: National Helpers Network, Inc., 1994.
Kesting, P. "Helping Hands: How student volunteerism can inspire good citizenship and good academics." Cable in the Classroom: CCI/Crosby Publisining, 1994: 12-14.
Interview on EdTechTalk
Other Professional Activities
View my page on The Five Freedoms Network
View my page on Future of Education
Find more music like this on Classroom 2.0
National Writing Project Inquiry Communities Network
National Writing Project Rural Sites Network
Choice Literacy Coach Network
Classroom 2.0 Network
We Are Teachers Network
TLP Technology listserv
GLEF Technology listerv
MIT Technology Review
Coalistion of Essential Schools Network
All Kinds of Minds Network
NASA Science listserv
NASA Quest listserv
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab listerv
NSTA listserv
Washington Social Studies listserv
Problem-Based Learning
Project-Based Learning
Professional and Personal Learning Network
Twitter My Tweet Cloud (1 year): Thanks, Learning, Diigo
Get your twitter mosaic here.

Get your twitter mosaic here.

Evan Williams, Twitter founder, TED talks.
- 2009: North Central Educational Service District Excellence Award
- 1996 North Central Educational Service District Excellence Award
- 1995 Washington Association of Educators for Talented and Gifted (WAETAG) Teacher of the Year, North Central Region
Web Sites
Ms. Edwards's Home Page
Wiki Home Page
Comments (2)
Rita said
at 11:34 am on Jul 14, 2009
Rita said
at 11:35 am on Jul 14, 2009
This is very nice! You have worked hard and have accomplished a wonderful interactive tool for your students.
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